The PSEMU-01¹ has modular bags that are separated into modules. The bags are attached to the ECS² to provide additional functionality that cannot fit inside the suit, such as communication, oxygen filtration and water cooling.
The primary reason for separating the bags into modules is to improve the flexibility of the suit. Each module is designed to serve a specific purpose. Our engineers can easily detach and reattach modules as needed, allowing them to adapt the suit to different situations and requirements. The pouches on the front of the suit attach to a platform with a PALS³ compatible grid of webbing.
Future proof
Another added benefit is upgradability, by separating the bags into modules, it becomes much easier to upgrade and modify individual components without having to replace the entire suit. For instance, if a system or equipment is developed that an astronaut needs to carry during a mission, it can be added to the suit by simply attaching a new module to the ECS. Similarly, if a component in one of the modules becomes outdated or malfunctions, it can be easily replaced without having to replace the entire suit.
¹PSEMU-01: Planetary Surface Exploration Mobility Unit Version 1
²ECS: External Carrying System
³PALS: Pouch Attachment Ladder System